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A Night in the Theatre – Lawrence Casler

Director: Wes Ryan
Performances: March 14, 15, 16 / 21, 22, 23 / 28, 29, 30 / April 4, 5, 6 @ 7:30pm
Matinee: Sunday, March 24 @ 2pm
Plays at Theatre West
Auditions: Sunday & Monday, January 7 & 8 @ 7pm
Auditions at Theatre West 3536 SE Hwy 101
Thank you to our generous sponsors:

Margaret and Stanley Locker and their friends, Donna and Walter Pace are at the theater for their weekly dose of culture. This week’s ordeal is Hamlet. After they seat themselves with some confusion, the play consists of their incessant and hilarious chatter about themselves, their children, a dead friend and even occasionally Shakespeare’s play.