AUDITIONS FOR: Angel Street (Gaslight) by Patrick Hamilton
DIRECTED BY: Bonnie Ross
AUDITION DATES: September 15 & 16, 2024 @ 7pm
AUDITION SITE: Theatre West 3536 SE Hwy 101
LOOKING FOR: 2 Men & 3 Women
PLAY RUNS: Oct 24 – Nov 16, 2024 (Matinee TBD)
Jack Manningham – Suave gentleman with danger vibes (40-50ish)
Bella Manningham – Woman on brink of breakdown (40-50ish)
Detective Rough – Confident, smart Scotland Yard type. Big role. (any age)
Elizabeth – Dedicated housekeeper who “knows things.” (mature)
Nancy – Saucy, sassy, cheeky, flirty maid (any age)
Two Police Officers – Non-speaking roles (any age – double as backstage hands)
** Plus backstage volunteers of all types are encouraged to attend **
Angel Street tells the story of the Manninghams, who live on Angel Street in 19th-century London. As the curtain rises, all appears to be the essence of Victorian tranquility. It is soon apparent, however, that Mr. Manningham, a suavely handsome man, is slowly driving his gentle, devoted wife, Bella, to the brink of insanity with an insinuating kindness that masks more sinister motives. While he is out, Mrs. Manningham has an unexpected caller: amiable, paternal Inspector Rough from Scotland Yard. Rough is convinced that Mr. Manningham is a homicidal maniac wanted for a murder committed 15 years earlier in this very house. Gradually, the inspector restores Bella’s confidence in herself and, as the evidence against Manningham unfolds, the author has built and sustained some of the most brilliant, suspenseful sequences in modern theatre.
Auditions are typically held on Sundays and Mondays. Dates will be announced in local newspapers, on Facebook via the Theatre West of Lincoln City page, and on this website at least one month before audition dates.
Auditions are held several weeks before each new play at Theatre West. The call goes out for local actors/wanna be actors to audition for the roles and beginners are most welcome to audition. Everyone has an equal chance to be chosen for a part since directors at Theatre West do not pre-select their cast. You might read for one part, but the director wants you in an entirely different role. Surprise, the director saw something special! The point is that we encourage the public to come and participate. Even if you are unfamiliar with the play or not necessarily interested in actually getting a role, it can be a lot of fun.
We don’t pre-judge anyone. If we laugh it will be because you read the funny line really well. Don’t want a stage role but think it would be fun to be a prop person, run lights and sound, be in charge of costuming, ushering, or helping out in the box office? Great, there are many parts to putting a play on stage and only a few are the actors. Auditioning can be fun and you are sure to meet friends, and who knows you may discover that you really want to be a part of the “Live” Theater experience.