Meet our Cast

Robin Kirsch
Annie Wilkes
Robin has been acting on the Jack Coyne stage since 2001. Her most recent roles were in Almost, Maine (which was also directed by Amanda) in 2022, and Marjorie Prime earlier the same year. She has worked behind the scenes building and decorating sets, doing lights and sound, acting as stage manager, and ushering. Robin is a third grade teacher in Lincoln City where she has taught for more than 25 years.

Amanda Megyesi-McCave
Amanda Megyesi-McCave has a degree in Communications and Theatre and has been doing theatre in some sort of capacity since childhood. She ran Backyard Theatre in BillingsMT and taught youth theatre classes.
Amanda’s work has been seen at Theatre West in Outside Mullingar on stage and Almost, Maine offstage. Her other favorite shows she’s been in include The Diary of Anne Frank, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and A Dolls House. Shows she has directed include The Little Prince, Heathers, I Am My Own Wife, and Saint Nicholas. She would like to thank her family for all their support on this show!
Coming soon

Scott Ganyo
Paul Sheldon
Scott has always loved singing, dancing, and acting for audiences across stage, television, and film. Highlights include The Dark Knight, 1000 Ways to Die, ComedySportz, Forever Plaid, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marjorie Prime, and Fuddy Meers. Most recently on stage here in Popcorn Falls, Scott is excited to return for this tense Stephen King thriller. A huge thanks to his wife Amy and to the theatre community for their love and support!

Kievan McCave
Assistant Director
Kievan was forced into theatre by his mother. He quickly showsed he had a knack for it in his debut role at the Emperor in The Emperor’s New Clothes at 6 years old. He helped run Backyard Theatre, but really had no choice when his bedroom was used as a dressing room and the stage was his porch.
He has been in several shows including Tommy, Heathers, Speech and Debate, and several productions of The Wizard of Oz. Misery is one of several times he’s assistant directed including on The Norwegians and Eurydice.

John L Jeans
Sheriff Buster
John got his start at Theatre West with a small part in The Sunshine Boys. He then went on to bigger parts in Barefoot in the Park, Better Late, A Bad Year For Tomatoes, Camping With Henry and Tom, and now is excited to take on the part of Buster in Misery! John looks forward to helping Robin and Scott bring Misery to life for the Theatre West audiences.

Matt McCave
Production Assistant
When Amanda started Backyard Theatre out of their home he was lovingly thrust into producing, stage managing, directing, and of course….more acting.
Matt and Amanda moved to the Oregon Coast in 2020 and are excited to be a part of Theatre West.